Friday, January 24, 2014

The Q Word

Nursing Superstition: Never say the Q word. If you say it, chaos is sure to ensue. 

 Case in point: Tonight was a "quiet" shift on A waard. Patients were complication free and everything was going well. I type my handover note for day shift, letting the next charge nurse know how the shift went and any pertinent information that they might need to know. I mentioned that the shift was "quiet".

Enter shift change.... The evening shift nurses are quietly giving report to the next shift when we begin to hear the sound of rushing, gushing water. Hot, steaming water is pouring out from beneath the sink and spilling out all over the floor. Our hot water pipe has burst. 

Handover is forgotten as nurses and day crew rush to grab bowls, towels and blankets. The towels and blankets are lined along the floor in an attempt to keep the water somewhat contained before the whole ward floods and bowls and buckets are filled, while I call reception and ask them to page the duty plumber immediately.
Mamas and patients hear the commotion and come rushing to see what has happened. The mamas jump in to help the nurses, pulling blankets off of their own beds to help stop the lake of water from moving beneath patient beds. Bucket after bucket of water is being hurriedly dumped down the shower drain as we wait for the on duty plumber to respond to our urgent page for help. Help finally arrives and the hot water line is turned off. The flow of water ceases and everyone applauds.
But the work is not done yet..... we still have a small lake of water to get rid of. With the mamas, day crew, and nurses working together we get the towels and blankets wrung out and taken to the laundry and the floors dried. There will be no need for night shift to mop the floors tonight, this floor at least is now very clean. Mamas are given new blankets to replace the ones donated from their beds, and patients are encouraged to go back to bed. Mamas are thanked and given tea. Nurses finish giving report.
Peace has returned to the ward. Hopefully it will last.


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