One of the hardest things about being a nurse on a floating hospital in Africa, is the distance from family. With the miracle of modern day technology, you can keep in touch with family easily enough, phone calls, email, and social media make it possible for me to know what is going on in my family almost as it happens. Missionaries of the past would laugh at my idea of the "hardship" of leaving family, when they often left home knowing they might never see their families again, and having only letters to share news of family and friends, letters which would have taken months to reach them. Still, if there is anything about my life with Mercy Ships that I struggle with, this distance from family is that one thing.
When I saw my Dad and little sister Dara waiting for me as I headed towards the baggage claim, when I hugged them, I was home.
How confusing it can be to have two homes. When I am in the States, I refer to the ship as "home" but when I am on the ship I refer to Washington as "home". I have family in both places, there are people I love in both places, a part of my heart is in both places.
I try my best to be present wherever I happen to be. To focus on the people that I am with for this time. And these weeks at my "home" in Washington State were a time to recharge.... and to meet my beautiful new niece!
Now back to my other "home" the Africa Mercy.
Enjoying the Lake Caves |